On the Road: Connecting to Your Communities

The Iowa Extension Council Association took the 2024 Extension Council Conference on the Road to six locations in March and April. The following resources were shared at the conference. County Extension Councils are encouraged to use these resources to further discussions related to public value, partnerships, talking about ISU Extension and Outreach, and working on the commitments Strategic Vision and Direction.
Public Value
The following video is a brief (under 3 minutes) overview of what public value is and how we can identify public value within our ISU Extension and Outreach programs. Pages 3-5 of the Handouts and Notes workbook highlights information about public value.
For more information or a full presentation on Public Value, contact your region's Advancement Specialist.
Partnerships in Your Community
Identifying Potential Partners
Council members can use their circle of influence to identify potential partners for extension in your county. Use the Capitalize on Your Partnerships worksheet on page 7 of the Handouts and Notes workbook to help you think through your community connections, how they might overlap with with mission and goals of ISU Extension and Outreach, and how you can connect extension staff with them.
Partnership Agreements
Having a written agreement with your county partners can be helpful in clarifying roles, identifying processes, and stating expectations. There are several partnership agreement templates provided by ISU Extension and Outreach that can be customized to fit your specific situation. An Assurance of Non-Discrimination form is available on MyExtension and accessible to staff members.
How to Talk about ISU Extension and Outreach in Your Community
The following video highlights how you can share your connection with ISU Extension and Outreach with people in your community through creating an elevator speech. See page 11 of the Handouts and Notes workbook for a worksheet to help you think through components you might want to include in your own elevator speech.
Your county stakeholder report is a great resource to share with people to give them a glimpse of ISU Extension and Outreach successes in your county!
Your Advancement Specialist can connect you and your staff members with resources to help spread the word that ISU Extension and Outreach makes real impacts in Iowa.
The following business-card sized resource was shared to help council members hit the highpoints when talking about Extension. Your Advancement Specialist can get these for your council members.

Strategic Vision and Direction
At the 2024 Extension Council Conference Vice President Henderson gave an overview of the ISU Extension and Outreach Strategic Vision and Direction.
Participants specifically worked on Commitment #4 from the Strategic Vision and Direction: Invest in people and partnerships by completing Commitments worksheet on page 13 of the Handouts and Notes workbook. The results from all six sites have been summarized: Commitment 4 Summary.
More information can be found on the Strategic Vision and Direction webpage.