IECA Action Plan

The Question

Imagine we have fully engaged County Extension Councils, what should IECA do by 2025 to enhance this engagement?

 Download the action plan in PDF format

IECA has a broad set of benefits that are well-used by counties to improve services to their constituents

More council member involvement in IECA to improve county council effectiveness

Improve effectiveness of local councils

Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome Outcome

Increase participation at events – council conference, legislative day

Increase awareness and use of IECA benefits

Increase member benefits offerings

Increase role clarity in county council membership

Increase networking opportunities between counties

Increase usage of online resources


Strategies to Achieve Outcomes

Extension Council Conference

  • More networking time
  • Employ visual cues of commonality (ways to identify people from the same region, same council committee, etc.)
  • Offer a virtual hybrid option for workshops to allow off-site participation
  • Incentives – benefit usage, not just door prizes
  • Incentives for attendance

Board Members Connecting to Council members

  • Talking points for board members to use when meeting with councils – focused topics

Networking for Councils

  • Regional meetings
  • Develop a potential agenda for regional meetings – each county could share both a success story and a concern

Legislative Day

  • Make sure all IECA board members have a clear vision and details about legislative day
  • More emails (to council members) about legislative day
  • Develop talking points for board members to share

Enhance Online Resources for Council Members

  • Include links to website on all online resources
  • Partner with regional directors to train councils on resources available on the IECA website

Improve Council Role Clarity

  • 3-minute video on importance of the nominating committee
  • 3-minute video on council member role
  • Provide links to resources

Awareness/Usage of Benefits

  • 3-Minute video: Discussion of IECA benefits (EAP, legal services, IECA staff)
  • Share success stories/promos with highlights of how our benefits help serve the needs of councils
  • Promote IECA staff

Identify New Benefits of Membership

  • Needs assessment to identify council needs that we can help solve
  • Make personal contacts for ideas – ask council members about their needs and solicit success stories of benefit usage
  • Standardize interview questions for board members to ask of council members